Repurposing content
achieving millions of views
Project type
Digital PR
Live date
Jan 2021
How we used existing assets and transformed them into
brand new, shareable pieces of content
The challenge
We had a huge bank of video assets. But after this had been used, it often got lost, being pushed back by new content. We didn’t want all this content creation to go to waste. In fact, we wanted it to live forever.
Our own in-house Giphy tool and vast knowledge of GIF SEO was just itching to be put into action.
The idea
We repurposed all our old YouTube content and uploaded it onto Giphy, creating hundreds of shareable moments that would put the Rise brand in front of a young, socially savvy audience.
145 gifs were uploaded, showing agency life in a whole new way. Now moments we’d captured on camera could be reused and given a new lease of life. Content wouldn’t be lost, instead it would be used in WhatsApp chats, on Twitter, on Slack, and by anyone who just needed a unique way to say something.
Why react with words, when you could react with Kenwright?
The results
To date, our gifs have been viewed 150 million times. They’ve been shared across social media, and used to react to pretty much anything you can imagine. They’ve gone from being old content that might be shared internally, to global content that makes our brand more visible and our people celebrities - albeit ones that are stuck in a constant loop.