Taylor & Hart's
Haribo ring
Project type
creative campaign case studies
Taylor & Hart
Live date
FEB 2021
Our playful ring design generated
236% growth in referring domains
The challenge
Taylor & Hart came to Rise at Seven in search of a nostalgic PR campaign that would build brand awareness, and drive traffic to the engagement ring section of their website. To make sure this campaign was effective, we had to come up with something that would be universally recognised, remind as many people as possible of the ‘good old days’, and ultimately make them want to shop with the brand that created it. Easy.
The idea
Fake weddings were a constant in primary schools around the country. Children might not fully understand what the concept of marriage is, but boy did they want a slice of it. We realised that we could use the innocence and optimism of these playground ‘weddings’ for this campaign, and combined the iconic Haribo ring with Taylor & Hart’s beautiful jewellery to create the Haribo Engagement Ring. We worked with Taylor & Hart’s designers to create a top quality ring that looked just like the gummy sweet we all know and love, and made a whole suite of imagery around this creation. You could even buy the ring for a small cost of £25k.
The results
The campaign earned 27 links directly to the site, and Taylor & Hart received 37 enquiries regarding buying the ring. In total, the site had 8,089 visits, and 98% of the links we received led directly to the campaign page. YoY organic traffic to the engagement ring category grew by 285% and there was a 236% growth in referring domains in just 6 months. Having appeared in OK!, Fox News, and Metro, the ring ended up with 2.4k social media engagements (pun not intended).
2.4k social engagements | 8,089 page views | 27 links | 37 purchase enquiries | 30 press mentions | 236% Growth in referring domains | 285% increase in YoY organic traffic