Time to wake up: announcing Rise at Seven

Stephen Kenwright CCO & Co-founder
3 min read
Wednesday, 10th May 2023
Way back in 2016 I believed that the north needed a search conference to fill the gap left by Think Visibility, ionSearch and SAScon so Branded3 created SearchLeeds. This year we're expecting nearly 3,000 marketers to come through the doors.
Now Branded3 is gone I believe there's another gap.
More agencies have been acquired, replacing creativity with process and technical expertise with bigness.
That's why this morning Carrie Rose and I launch Rise at Seven - a specialist Creative SEO agency for people who want more than they get from full-service agencies.
More thought. More enthusiasm. More expertise.
We founded Rise at Seven to push the boundaries in both creative and technical SEO because that’s what is needed to own the most competitive search results. I believe that there are Rise at Seven clients out there in need of an agency that’s equally good at both.
I feel lucky to be partnered with the best in the business. Carrie had a huge impact on the way we worked at Branded3 (and our trophy cabinet) and now we’re 50/50 partners in Rise at Seven. We make the same money (we always will) and we make decisions equally because our vision is to combine creative and technical specialisms to create more value for our clients than the biggest agencies in the world ever could.
We're looking for people on the same mission as us
Rise at Seven exists to pitch the biggest ideas...
...to the biggest clients...
...and the biggest media...
...against the biggest agencies...
...and be confident of success.
We're building the biggest specialist SEO agency in the world and we know that to achieve this we need the best people to join the team of worldies we already have in place. Right now, we want to hire:
- A front-end developer with an eye for design - or a designer with JavaScript, HTML and CSS skills
- A content marketing manager or executive with a love of digital PR
- An SEO or CRO executive who wants to take their technical skills to the next level and then the level after that
We want to hire you if:
- You’re sharp as a tack
- You’re enthusiastic as hell
- You want to be an expert in your field
If you don't want to be burdened with process and unachievable sales targets, here’s what we can offer you. Sound good? Get in touch.
Hire us
We want to talk to you if:
- You love graphs that go up and you want to work on something with your agency that you can show to your mum/spouse/boss and say “isn’t this awesome?”
- You’d prefer to be prepared with answers whenever anyone asks how you’re doing in organic search, what you’re doing and why you’re doing it
- You want to ask a question where the answer isn’t “I’ll book it in with project management for next month” or “that’ll be another five-grand please”
I'm incredibly grateful that 3 clients have joined us already.
If you want to work directly with the experts - we don't do sales, we don't do account managers and we work for clients, not commission - drop us a line and we'll tell you if we can help.
Stephen Kenwright Co-founder and Technical Director stephen.kenwright@riseatseven.com Twitter LinkedIn
Carrie Rose Co-founder and Creative Director carrie.rose@riseatseven.com Twitter LinkedIn