Driving branded search
with industry leading spa guides

Project type
Digital PR
Live date
Turning a deserted blog into a revenue driving content hub,
creating a 142% increase in sales
The challenge
SpaSeekers had a blog which drove little to no conversions or traffic. Our challenge was to change that. We wanted to drive more traffic to the site, increase the blog’s performance, and optimise existing content to increase search performance.

The idea
We conducted a content audit of their blog to see which pieces were performing well, and discovered that the /guides directory had historically performed better. The guides section held the most value across the site therefore we decided to scrap the blog, and turn the guides into something that could convert. We migrated high-performing blogs over to the /guides section, putting good content in a part of the site that already held a higher SEO value. We also re-wrote 300 pages, optimising them better for search. As part of the overall strategy, we ran numerous Digital PR campaigns through the guides section, driving links into this too.
This was a long-term strategy to help both SEO and conversion rates. It was set to deliver long-term results.

The results
By reworking existing blog pieces to include more keywords and more engaging content, we improved the performance of the overall site. Page views went up by 22%, while time on page increased by 3.17%. The guide’s bounce rate went down by 5.66%, while the value of the page went up by a huge 124.78%. In only 12 months, we built an incredible 1,249 links into this section of the site through viral PR and content marketing.
What had been an underperforming blog was now a high performing, high earning section of the SpaSeekers website, with a vast amount of content linking directly to it.