GAME appoint Rise at Seven to take the SEO reign on a viral creative campaign

Carrie Rose Founder & CEO
4 min read
Thursday, 20th January 2022
Who remembers this? The 3-course Christmas Tinner in a can created for gamers by GAME back in 2013?

With 9 layers of ingredients covering a festive breakfast, Turkey and pudding - this was a product launch that meant gaming fanatics didn't need to leave their chairs on Christmas day!
This little tin became a global phenomenon and become one of the most viewed and shared stories. Everyone was talking about the Christmas Tinner!
15,000 tweets reaching millions on social media, 110,000 shares, and viral press coverage across 18 different countries! Featuring on Saturday night live, This Morning and many radio shows.
It was a hugely successful campaign that got pick up every single year when Christmas came back around. However, despite the insane success, they struggled to get links and therefore received very little SEO value.
GAME approached us at Rise at Seven recently after seeing our work and appointed us as the Creative SEO agency for the challenge - to take their most famous campaign of the Christmas Tinner and suggest a strategy that would drive
How we took a viral social media campaign and made it work for SEO
This is the type of work we love to do best! We see so many brands running amazing creative campaigns and completely ignoring the fact that this could be one of the easiest ways to land links and drive traffic to the site.
Take John Lewis as an example - how they spend millions on a Christmas ad every year to be spoken about by millions and have NO content on-site that's link-worthy blows my mind! (hopefully their SEO will see this link and encourage them to get in touch ;) ). Let's start to think how you can get SEO value from all campaigns!
The first thing we did was analyse what was already on GAME's site surrounding this - NOTHING!
We found that an increasing amount of people were using GAME's search bar to find the Christmas Tinner product but bounced as the product page just didn't exist! That was the no.1 strategy! Add content to the site that when users search for it they can find it and when journalists talk about it, they would link to it.
However, we needed to give journalists a new reason to do that. They had already written about this campaign many times before, so how do we get them to do that again?
I know! Launch a new line of Christmas Tinners.
GAME revealed they had been inundated with messages regarding the ingredients of the 3-course meal in a can with many highlighting that this included meat, leaving millions of gamers out from being able to tuck in. So we responded to the demand and went away and created the Vegan and Vegetarian Christmas Tinners!
Available here:
The Vegan Christmas Tinner - GAME

The Vegan Christmas Tinner option has 12 layers and kicks off with scrambled tofu and tempeh bacon before enjoying a mushroom wellington. Dessert includes a vegan chocolate cake and custard! So there are now no excuses to exit the game.
The Vegetarian Christmas Tinner - GAME

The Vegetarian Christmas Tinner also has 12 layers and switches out scrambled eggs and bacon for gingerbread pancakes and the traditional turkey for a nut roast. The lucky vegetarians even get veggie pigs in blankets and yule log and Toblerone for dessert! Talk about leveling up!
And yes this is real. The creative content marketing team here at Rise at Seven created this using the ingredients.
We then built the product page, optimised the content and voila - its time to push to press!
We launch this this morning with The Drum and since then landed on Ladbible, The Mirror, and more all with links back to the site.

As we launched this campaign just a few hours ago, we are continuing to push this campaign to get as many top tier links as we can, with the aim to drive traffic and SEO value to GAME that they've never had before. Stay tuned on our social media to see how this goes...
Want to know how we can do this for you? Get in touch