learning to read
with Tom Hardy
Project type
Digital PR
Exam Papers Plus
Live date
FEB 2020
A Tom Hardy stunt which sent mums wild,
drove links and created 35,000 social shares
The challenge
Exam Papers Plus wanted to build links, improve traffic, and increase sales, all while making learning more fun. They wanted to drive links into their english section of the site and build their brand around world book day.
The idea
CBBC’s Bedtime Stories was making headlines for being axed, with mums heartbroken at the thought of seeing less Tom Hardy on their screens. We thought we’d fix that. We hired a Tom Hardy lookalike, conducted a photoshoot for press, and gave people the chance to have him teach their kids how to read, giving both children and their mums something to look forward to.
The results
In just two weeks, this campaign drove 37 media placements. This included the likes of The Mirror, Mail Online, LadBible, Heart, Mashable, and Entertainment Daily.
On social media we got over 35,000 shares, with press, fans and, of course, mums going crazy over our Tom Hardy stunt double.
Not only did learning seem more fun, it also seemed much, much more attractive.