Carrie Rose: 101 Holidays

Carrie Rose Founder & CEO
6 min read
Tuesday, 19th March 2024
Our founder was invited to speak at the 101 holidays event, talking about low budget PR and how to effectively but creatively land media coverage for your brand.
In her talk she covered the battle between attention and how multi channel audience behaviour is key to finding hooks.
Want to know where the attention is, and on which channels for your product or brand? We're giving away 20 FREE attention reports, if you want to be in the chance to get one - fill in the form below and tick the Attention Score box*.
If you want access to Carrie's 101 Holiday slides and the opportunity to have your very own Attention Score, simply fill in the form below and tick the Attention Score box!
*Attention Score reports aren't guaranteed and will be provided on a first come first served basis. We may ask you some more questions around markets to get this perfect for you, and so a strategy lead may reach out.